I was away for a few days and promised pictures. The trouble is I've had a combination of our internet slowing to a c- r -a -w -l, difficulty downloading photos, and now the camera is misplaced. Triple wammy!:)
So please be patient and I promise to get it worked out soon.
I hope you all are able to keep from melting in these hot, hot temps! Looking forward to Sunday up here, when they say things will cool off a bit. Hope you get some relief, too!:)
Here is a hint of things to come:
Photos of hubby and I, taken by our sweet DIL, Brooke for our 35th anniversary- that was fun.:) (Brooke and Tim also have since moved to Grand Rapids to work in ministry there. Are sure missing them.
Sharing with you pics and a story about my new bird feeder/ hanging flower station. Also pics of our newly painted deck railing. Yay!:)
Then, pictures of our trip to Door County for a long weekend of time spent with Daniel, Jess, little Sam and Eli, and Nathan and Kristen! Amanda and I had such a wonderful time there at Jess' family's lake home.
Even typing this is proving to have it's problems. So as soon and my computer savvy hubby or one of our sons has the time to take a look at my computer (and we find the camera;), I'll be back to tell you all about our summer happenings here in Wisconsin!
Stay cool!:)