Monday, November 16, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Peggy over at The Simple Woman's Daybook is the gracious host here.

For Today... November 16, 2009

Outside my window... In the upper 40's with sunshine and clouds. The sunshine makes it a beautiful day.

I am thinking...that Thanksgiving is getting closer and I need to be ready to have dinner here just in case Sam's new little baby brother arrives a little earlier than expected...I don't know, I just have a feeling:) Otherwise, the family is gathering at Daniel and Jess's and bringing the meal to their house so we can all be together.

I am thankful for... wow- how to I count them all...for this country we live in- it's still the best place on earth! -- For liberty and freedom, for our family and their good health, for our homes... for God's provision. Thank you Lord...

From the kitchen... much grocery shopping needed- so still thinking:) I do have 13 cans of evaporated milk that hubby pulled from the back of a bottom cabinet that I hadn't seen in a few years quite awhile(who can squat down that far?-not this grammy anymore:)...probably bought them to go with the 5 or 6 containers of pumpkin pie spice that my sister found in another cabinet when she was looking for thyme ( oh the puns we had with that one- no thyme, out of thyme, where does the thyme go?,etc:) on a visit when she was here cooking. You know how it is? -- you're at the grocery store before Thanksgiving and can't remember if you have pumpkin pie spice or not, so you get it just in case...? years in a row? Does anybody know the shelf life of a can of evaporated milk? expiration dates on them:)...anyway...I still need to get groceries:)

I am stretchy pants and blue sweatshirt and black socks- my comfiest working around the house outfit ever!:)

I am hoping...that I can talk my hubby into seeing the doctor this week about his bronchial cough. He gets it every year and this one is hanging on...ever try to talk a man into going to the doctor?:)

I am hearing... traffic outside starting to get busy for the afternoon...otherwise it's quiet around the house. Hubby has a day today using up banked vacation days that disappear at the end of the year if now used. Fortunately, he is resting because of his cough. And Amanda is napping after a late night studying last night and classes today. So shhhh:)

I am remembering...when we didn't have a vcr (they were fairly new)--and for the kids' birthdays we would rent a vcr and a movie on their birthday. Ask any of our kids what movie was our favorite?--The Apple Dumpling Gang (Disney-rated G)
I am remembering a picture we have of Jonathan (not yet scanned:( when he was about 4 -holding his choice of video up by his little cheek and smiling with excitement (and arm around the dog) for the camera. Jonathan just turned 22:)... sigh...

I am praying
... a young blogging friend, Ashley, in Texas who is going through chemo for ovarian cancer and getting ready for more in-depth treatments in the next few weeks-- praying for successful treatments, and for permanent remission. If you would like to meet Ashley and add her to your prayer list, I'm sure that she would appreciate it. She is such a sweet young Christian woman who is trusting in the Lord through this difficult time in her life.

Around the house...Need to go down to the family room and go through things that Amanda purged out the bedroom that she now occupies. Ugh... She's finding that there are some perks to being the last sibling left at home--Your choice of room:)

On my nice it is have a sidewalk area repaired that hopefully helps heavy rains to flow away from the house instead of in the basement.

One of my favorite things... hearing from our grandkiddos' moms and days about new things they are doing...last week Sam was heard playing his little piano and singing "Amazing Grace" and Sophia is clapping her hands now. And seeing their beautiful little faces on their blogs- technology is great!

A few plans for the rest of the week...getting out to do a little shopping and hopefully a haircut and color- not that I have gray or anything;).

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...*

This is the beautiful sunset that greeted Amanda and I as we neared our destination last week in Illinois. Amanda snapped this through the windshield of the car as we neared Jacksonville.

Have a great week!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

My first time visit here. Found your link at the Simple Woman's Day book blog.

I really enjoy participating. Amazing what things pop out when you follow the prompts.

Nice to 'meet' you..... blessings and joy to you. Brenda

Anonymous said...

a lot going on this week, huh?! that photo amanda took is GORGEOUS. what a sunset! did you have a great time in Concord?

it was nice to "catch up with you" today via this blog post. thanks for sharing!

Lois Christensen said...

What a beautiful picture!!! And don't feel bad about the milk, I found a can of soup that was dated 2000. That means I actually MOVED that can 2 times and still never used it!! Enjoy your week!

Anonymous said...

My hubby's had that cough before, which can last for quite a while. We use essential oils for that, which helps.

Beautiful sunset photo! Have a great week. Thanksgiving is coming up fast!

Elena said...

That is a beautiful picture. It is almost like a painting! Yes, I have those low way in the back cupboards that I wonder what is lerking back there:) Fortunately we have only lived here 4 years! Sounds like you have a lovely Thanksgiving planned with family and maybe a new addition then too! Thank you so much for sharing part of your day. Love, Elena

Divamom said...

Your pantry sounds like mine! I'm always finding something that I didn't know was there! lol That's a beautiful picture of the sunset. That needs to be framed!

Be Blessed!

dana said...

I so enjoyed reading this post today! Yes, T-giving is right around the corner! I've hit a couple of stores this week and stocked up on great sales, but I shot my food budget for the next two weeks. I just have to remember that I saved a bunch of moolah on items we use frequently and I won't have to purchase them again for awhile!

Hope you have a great week! It's damp and cold, but at least it feels like November at last.
