Monday, December 7, 2009

Just For Fun!

With all the snow coming in across the Midwest in the next couple of days- I thought I'd share some snowman funnies with you:)
Our forecast includes 9-12 inches by Wednesday evening with blowing and drifting and possible white-out conditions.
So please be careful out there- or if you can, just stay home and have some hot cocoa.

Stay Warm!


MOMSWEB said...

LOL! I enjoy LOOKING at the snow, but not being in it. I'll stay in Florida (smile).

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Those are great, Linda. Made me lol! I am hoping and praying that the nasty winter conditions continue to track north of us at this point, so I don't have to worry about dh out on the road during his commute.

Stay in and keep warm :-)

Elena said...

Very cute I loved the funnies! You will be in my thoughts and prayers with all the snow coming. Fortunately we had only had cold weather and sunny days. Very cold and very clear! Have a blessed day dear friend. Elena

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Just dropping by to see if you are snowbound. Hope you didn't lose electricity.

We didn't get any snow to speak of, put plenty of high winds and cold temps.

Lois Christensen said...

Very funny!!! Love the liposuction one!!!