Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday--- Happy Birthday Ben!

(okay--a few words:)
When you are the third child born into a family, you don't get too many pictures taken alone, but here are some of the birthday boy...

Any questions as to why we called him our sweet little Benjamin??... I didn't think so:)

It's still hard to find a picture of Ben alone...:)

But I don't think he minds...
Love you, Ben--miss you!! Happy Birthday!


Elena said...

Ahh, happy birthday to your son! You can see he has such a sweet spirit! You are such a blessed mama!

Lois Christensen said...

Happy Birthday to your son! What great pictures!

As to your question about the candy I send to my hubby, as of right now, the weather there is still pretty similar to what we have here. He's high up in the mountains of Afghanistan. I was wondering how much longer I'll be able to send him his favorite candy without it melting on the way there. I hope I can keep sending it. He loves his Reeces and there's no place for him to buy any candy over there!!!

Enjoy your day!!

dana said...

That was an awesome progression of photos!! Happy birthday to your boy!! dana

Anonymous said...

His baby picture is simply adorable! You can see the sweetness in his smile. Hope he had a wonderful birthday!